🕵️Adding a new role

You'll need to use the command :


All options available :

  • role : this has to be a role created on your discord server

  • collection_ident : this is the collection identifier of the collection you want to be linked to the role

    • This can be an NFT or a token indentifier

  • min : the minimum of NFT need to get the role

  • traits : the traits needed to get the role

    • This only applies to NFT

  • type : either all traits are needed in (min) NFT or any of the traits

    • This only applies to NFT

To find your collection_ident, head to the explorer and look for your collection :

Here's an example:

Let's take this collection:

The collection_ident would be : UFO-c5d097

Only verified/partner collections/tokens are supported.

Please contact us to be added : https://discord.gg/Tcy73qEZ7a

NFT collections available

Token available

  • MOOVEProtocol - MOOVE-875539

  • xKING - XKING-4b21e8

Last updated